
Jul 8, 2023

Vesiro x Norrsken Accelerator

We are thrilled to announce that Vesiro has been selected as one of the 20 companies to join the prestigious Norrsken Accelerator program for 2023. This exceptional opportunity comes as a result of our commitment to creating a positive impact on a global scale, and we are honored to be part of the Norrsken ecosystem.

The Norrsken Accelerator program is highly exclusive, hand-picking its 20 participant companies from a pool of over 2500 applicants globally. These selected companies are recognized as the most promising early-stage impact startups in the world, with the potential to evolve into impact unicorns. Norrsken Accelerator invests in each of the 20 companies in the batch, and provides support during an 8 week program on-site in Stockholm.

The Norrsken Accelerator is a part of the Norrsken Foundation, a renowned impact ecosystem that provides entrepreneurs with the resources they need to turn their mission of saving the world into a thriving business. At the core of their work lies a profound belief in the power of entrepreneurship and innovative technology to bring about positive global change.

Norrsken's reach extends across the world, with award-winning Norrsken House hubs in Stockholm, Sweden, Kigali, Rwanda, and soon, Barcelona, Spain. In addition to these hubs, Norrsken operates five funds, collectively raising over $500 million USD to support outstanding entrepreneurs who are committed to achieving both financial success and global impact. These funds include Norrsken VC, Norrsken22, Norrsken Accelerator, Norrsken Launcher, and the Norrsken Africa Seed Fund.

It's important to note that Norrsken is a non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious foundation, and its founding is credited to Niklas Adalberth, co-founder of the widely recognized payment services unicorn, Klarna.

This marks a significant milestone for Vesiro, as we continue our journey to make a meaningful difference in the world. We are excited to embark on this transformative experience with Norrsken and look forward to the incredible opportunities and collaborations that lie ahead. Together, we will work tirelessly to create a brighter future for all.

Clink the link below to read Norrsken Co-CEO Funda Sezgi's Linkedin post announcing the 2023 Norrsken Accelerator batch!

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